Thursday 1 October 2009

Prelim Task

Our aim today was to film a journey. Our groups (Gervais,Ben and I) idea was to film Gervais on a journey trying to escape. Alison taught us how to use the cameras so we can just get confident with them. We began learning how to turn it on, record, put the tape in, zoom in and out, focus etc. We also learnt how to use the tripod and how to make sure the camera was stable on it.

We used a variety of different shots to capture the essence of Gervais being imprisoned. We started by filming a long shot of Gervais in a gate place we found which resembled a prison. Then we did a close up of Gervais in the prison, then an extreme close up of his eye. After this we did a birds eyeshot so Ben went to the top of stairs looking down on Gervais who was walking around his cell. We also filmed people abusing Gervais at the bars, and from inside Gervais cells we filmed the people shouting so there was an inside and outside view of the people. We then decided gervais would escape when Ben came to get him as the prison guard. I filmed an over the shoulder shot of Ben walking towards Gervais cell. Then we filmed a high angle shot of Ben standing at the gate door. This was followed by an over the shot shoulder of Gervais going to see Ben at the gate. There was then a fight scene between Ben and Gervais, which we used a long shot for. We then experimented by Ben holding the camera and Gervais slow motion hitting it as if it was Ben. Then our final shot was a worm’s eyeshot of Gervais as he was running away, of which the shot showed his feet then as he ran further the rest of his body emerged. This was a really effective shot and probably one of our best which was good as it was our final shot.

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