Wednesday 30 September 2009

Introduction to shot type movement

Today in media we looked at all the different shots. All the different shots came under three categories, shots, angles and movements. The Media shots included: Extreme long shot – ELS , Long shot – LS, Medium long shot –MLS, Medium shot – MS, Medium close up- MCU, Close up – CU, Big close up- BCU and Extreme close up – ECU. We looked for pictures for all of these so we could understand all the different shots. Then we looked at angles which included: low angle, high angle, worms eye, birds eye, canted, eye level. We found pictures for these as well and then we looked for the different movements including movements, two shot, over shoulder shot, point of view, pan, crab, tracking, zooming, tilt and ped shot. We also found pictures for all of these. All of these shots were interesting to look at and establish what shots were which, and how we can use these in our own filming to give different effects.

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